The following blog post was submitted by the mother of a former donor human milk recipient. Her story demonstrates the heart-wrenching experiences of families with fragile babies, and the critical importance of non-profit milk banking in supplying safe donor milk. Links have been created to explain some of the more medical terminology – explore as you would. Hunter was born July 6, 2011 with jejunal atresia . A previous ultrasound at 34 weeks gestation, detected the obstruction as well as meconium in the fluid. My obstetrician reassured me that it was treatable; it just meant that he would need to have surgery and would spend a little time in the neonatal intensive care unit. I went into labor on July 5, 2011 at 11:00pm. I was so elated to finally be having him and getting him the help he needed. The delivery was a lot more stressful than I could have ever imagined. His shoulders got stuck, resulting in a broken clavicle. The worst was yet to come. ...
Mothers’ Milk Bank Austin saves babies’ lives by providing prescribed, pasteurized donor human milk. Donate your excess breast-milk and become a life-saver for sick and medically-fragile infants today - visit