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Meet donor recipient baby Camila. 

 She was born full term at 6lbs. 13 oz. but, just after her cord was cut, she was immediately whisked away from her family by the doctors.  After 6 hours and multiple doctor examinations and opinions, Camila was diagnosed with a very rare condition called Total Anomalous Pulmonary Vein Connection, a congenital defect of the pulmonary veins, and needed immediate open heart surgery. Her lungs were filling up with fluid and her kidneys, liver, spleen, and stomach were being damaged.  It was recommended that she go to a hospital in Dallas or Houston but, with flooding in Houston and tornadoes in Dallas, they had no choice but to transport her by helicopter to Dell Children’s Hospital in Austin.  Every second counted and the doctors didn’t expect her to live. 

After she arrived in Austin and doctors repaired her heart, her chest had to be left open for 10 days to ensure that her heart and lungs were functioning properly. Camila’s mother, Silvia, didn’t even get the chance to hold her baby; Camila was so fragile after the surgery that Silvia could only touch her feet.  Camila was given narcotics for the first 15 days after the surgery, was intubated, and also needed a feeding tube. 

Additionally, Camila developed blood clots in her lungs and brain, giving her seizures.  She was in a near comatose state for more than a month and was given blood thinners until just recently.

During this time, Silvia was trying to pump milk every 3-4 hours in order to give her baby what she needed to survive, but Silvia was struggling to produce.  Silvia’s parents stayed with their family to help with her 2 year old but, while visiting, Silvia’s Mom fell and broke her leg.  Silvia’s stress was through the roof after the accident and her small amount of milk reduced even more.  They tried formula, but Camila couldn’t tolerate it.  This is when she started receiving donor milk from Mothers' Milk Bank at Austin.

In order to receive this milk, Camila uses a G Button which allows milk to go directly into her stomach where she received 130mls of donor milk every three hours around the clock. Because of this G Button method, Camila hadn’t been breast feed or bottle feed while receiving treatment so she never learned how to suck or swallow.  She is now working with a speech therapist to learn those much needed skills. 

Against all odds, Camila’s parents are so thrilled that she not only survived, but is now thriving.  She’s is a miracle baby: growing, happy, laughing and with a few medical issues.  On behalf of Silvia, we say thank you to all the moms who donate milk to the Mothers' Milk Bank at Austin.  Camila received the best hospital, doctors, nurses, and equipment but, without human milk, wouldn’t be here today.

Mother’s Milk Bank at Austin has been provided milk charitably through philanthropic gifts from the community valued at over $4,000 to Camila.  Thanks to our financial supporters, as well as donor Moms, MMBA has never said no!  Make a milk or financial contribution and you will be the next lifesaver for another Camila. 



  1. I'm so happy for your family !

  2. "WHEN GOD STEPS IN, MIRACLES HAPPEN"... May our Lord bless Camila and the donors. I´m verry happy for this little princess and for her lovely family. Thank you God for the strength you gave to this family and for keeping their faith alive. Special thanks to the donors, doctors and medical staff, this miracle is because all of you!! . EG


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