We’ve been absent from the blogging world for a while, but that is because 2010 was an extremely busy and exciting year for the Mothers' Milk Bank at Austin. Thanks to healthy breastfeeding moms who recognize the need to donate to the neediest babies, we approved over 400 milk donors and pasteurized and dispensed approximately 290,000 ounces of milk in 2010 – that’s more than 2,250 gallons! Preterm birth rates remain high and the challenges for their own moms to produce milk remains an obstacle. To meet more of the demand, we hope to approve 500 donors in 2011 and increase our dispensed milk by 10%! These goals are two of many for our ever-expanding organization as we strive to improve outcomes for the medically fragile infant in the safest way possible. Our ultimate goal is always to serve more babies and save more lives! One of the exciting projects we have been working on is the Donor Alumnae program for retired donors. We introduced the Alumnae group back in May and since then...
Mothers’ Milk Bank Austin saves babies’ lives by providing prescribed, pasteurized donor human milk. Donate your excess breast-milk and become a life-saver for sick and medically-fragile infants today - visit milkbank.org