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Showing posts from 2015

Pumping for Preemies: Mrs. United States' Story

Katie Garza, an MMBA milk donor, ambassador, and Mrs. United States 2015, shares her very moving story and explains why she is dedicating her year to promoting milk banking and fundraising for the Mothers' Milk Bank at Austin's Charitable Care Program. As Mothers, our natural instinct is to nurture and protect all babies, not just our own. Every donor Mom has an incredible story behind what motivates her to donate, because let me tell you, pumping around the clock is no walk in the park. This is my story: At 30 weeks pregnant with my first child, I awoke in screaming pain. I was told that it was labor, and thankfully the doctors were able to stop the contractions. After three weeks of bed rest and constant labor, Phoenix Madilyn would wait no more.  Delivery was the scariest moment of my life. We had no idea what to expect or whether our girl would make it. She was born crying, and for a moment I cried tears of joy. Within minutes the crying stopped, and the doctors ...

Spotlight on our Junior League of Austin Volunteers

We celebrated National Volunteer Week earlier this month, honoring the many volunteers who truly make a world of a difference in the health and lives of preterm and ill infants. One group of volunteers we recognized is our amazing Junior League of Austin (JLA) team. Over the past 15 years, the Milk Bank has been fortunate to be a Community Project of JLA and has benefited tremendously from the dedicated women who select us as their nonprofit of choice to fulfill their volunteer hours. Next month we will say goodbye to our incredible 2014-­2015 team, and we’ve just learned that we will welcome a new team for 2015-2016 – thank you Junior Leaguers! In addition to providing the woman power necessary to help us meet our mission, this amazing organization has supported our Charitable Care Program (CCP) since 1999. The CCP is a philanthropically supported program that allows the Milk Bank to provide donor milk to every baby with a medical need – regardless of insurance coverage or famil...

Felo’s Story

As a twin born at 26 weeks, 3 days, weighing just 1lb, 15oz, and facing several severe medical complications, milk recipient baby Rafael “Felo” received 5,514 ounces donor human milk from April until November, 2014. His parents express how grateful they are for generous milk donors who provided lifesaving milk to their son when he had to spend 3.5 months in the NICU after developing necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a potentially fatal intestinal disorder. On August 15, 2013, our twins came into this world at only 26 weeks and 3 days.  Camila “Mila” Jane and Rafael “Felo” Joseph both weighed in at 1 lb 15 oz.   After a few hours in recovery, I wanted to start pumping.  My nurse helped me hand express the first few days until my supply was established enough for pumping.  I knew that breast milk was very important especially for preterm infants. The babies were doing well considering their early arrival.  But on September 1, 2013, Felo’s small intesti...

Never Too Young to Give Back

Dianne Russo, former milk donor and current MMBA ambassador, shares her story about why she chose to donate with her son, Ben, and how becoming a milk donor has enabled her to begin teaching him the importance of giving back at a young age When I was a high school teacher I loved the feeling of being needed by my students. But after my son was born I became a stay-at-home mom and, suddenly, I was only needed by him. Don’t get me wrong, it’s the best job in the world to care for my child, but I missed the feeling of being needed by people outside of my home. That’s when I came across the Mothers’ Milk Bank of Austin. The idea that my breast milk could literally save the lives of premature and sick infants was the ultimate reward. And all I had to do was pump a little extra mi lk each day while my little one was sleeping! Every time I dropped my donations off at the milk bank I would picture little babies drinking my milk and instantly growing bigger and stronger. I’d thank my so...