Today marks the eighth week of my volunteer position at the Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin—I have found a new passion. I heard about the Milk Bank through Kim Updegrove, Executive Director. I showed interest as a potential volunteer and within a week I booked my first shift. What brought me here was no coincidence. I am constantly amazed by the sheer power of food and childhood nutrition. Whether from a research article or my own experiences with food allergies, good quality food significantly contributes to our optimal health and organ function. Now in college as a Nutrition-Dietetics major, I have a greater appreciation of how food works—it is not just the portion control or daily serving of greens that sets the foundation of a person’s health. Good nutrition, particularly during infancy, is one of the most crucial factors that determine long-term immunity, growth and development. Naturally, breast milk acts as a main source of food for newborns. It can also save a baby’s life if...
Mothers’ Milk Bank Austin saves babies’ lives by providing prescribed, pasteurized donor human milk. Donate your excess breast-milk and become a life-saver for sick and medically-fragile infants today - visit