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Showing posts from 2012

Austin Donor Appreciation Event

Austin area donor moms and supporters gathered with their children in October to celebrate their life-saving gift and commitment to the Mothers' Milk Bank at Austin at our Annual Appreciation Event. With the beautiful Zilker Botanical Gardens serving as a backdrop, all in attendance enjoyed a fun, family-friendly afternoon, and a chance to connect with other donor moms in our community. A highlight of the afternoon was hearing from former recipient mom, Tarah Walter, about her need for donor milk for her twins. The, now grown up and healthy, three-year old twins were a hit with their endless energy and enthusiasm—giving our donors a rare opportunity to come face to face with those who have been on the receiving end of the precious gift they provide to the preterm and ill babies we serve.

Breastfeeding Challenge Spans the Globe!

Quintessence Breastfeeding Challenge From Ireland to Japan to Canada to right here in the heart of Texas, groups of breastfeeding moms across the globe gathered together on Saturday, September 29th to nurse their babies at the same time—11 a.m.—and be counted for the Quintessence Global Breastfeeding Challenge. Across the globe, 3,750 babies at 160 sites in 7 different countries were all breastfed at the same time. Austin Moms have been “latching on” for this challenge for ten years and 2012 was no exception. In years past we have had upwards of 200 moms gather for this fun competition to raise awareness and educate the community about the importance of breastfeeding and milk banking. Despite clouds and heavy downpours, we had 18 moms come out to support the challenge this year, held at the downtown Austin Farmer’s Market. We may not have won the competition, but every child there “wins” because they are breastfed! 2012 AUSTIN QUINTESSENCE BREASTFEEDING CHALLENGE ...

National Breastfeeding Month Photo Re-cap

MMBA Celebrates National Breastfeeding Month during August! National Breastfeeding Month Celebration & Awareness Concert August 8th at Central Market Junior League volunteer, Becky, helps out at the concert   Elizabeth McQueen entertains the crowd! Lots of happy, dancing children! Thanks to Helthy Mothers, Healthy Babies for the awesome shirts--they were a huge hit. Kim Updegrove, Executive Director of MMBA is presented with a proclamation from the Mayor's office Donor Milk: The Documentary Austin Premiere at Alamo Drafthouse on August 14th  MMBA Board Member, Donor Mom and Recipient Mom, Kari Anne Roy, with husband, Steven Roy. Board Vice President, Wendy Morgan (right)   MMBA Board President, Peter Untalan and his wife, Sydney   Film Director, Kevin West and Producer, Jarred King  Q & A Panel Discussion  

The Quintessence Breastfeeding Challenge is Coming!

PRESS RELEASE For Milk Bank interviews, please call Emily Hoppe, 512.494.0800, THE MOTHERS’ MILK BANK AT AUSTIN INSPIRES CENTRAL TEXAS WOMEN TO JOIN AN INTERNATIONAL BREASTFEEDING CHALLENGE Central Texas milk bank joins other groups at downtown farmers market, encouraging breastfeeding mothers to “Keep Austin Breastfeeding” Austin, TEXAS--September 19, 2012—On September 29, many Austinites will travel to Oklahoma State to cheer on the Longhorns for Big 12 conference showdown. But a group of Central Texas moms will enter a worldwide competition to have the most breastfeeding babies who are “latched on” at 11 a.m. local time. The goal is for more than 200 mothers and their babies and older children will gather at the Downtown Farmers Market in Republic Park, located at 4th and Guadalupe. Registration will open at 10:30 a.m., and the event will begin at 11 a.m. This is the eighth year that The Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin, one of North America’s 13 non-profit m...

Volunteering at the Milk Bank

Today marks the eighth week of my volunteer position at the Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin—I have found a new passion. I heard about the Milk Bank through Kim Updegrove, Executive Director. I showed interest as a potential volunteer and within a week I booked my first shift. What brought me here was no coincidence. I am constantly amazed by the sheer power of food and childhood nutrition. Whether from a research article or my own experiences with food allergies, good quality food significantly contributes to our optimal health and organ function. Now in college as a Nutrition-Dietetics major, I have a greater appreciation of how food works—it is not just the portion control or daily serving of greens that sets the foundation of a person’s health. Good nutrition, particularly during infancy, is one of the most crucial factors that determine long-term immunity, growth and development. Naturally, breast milk acts as a main source of food for newborns. It can also save a baby’s life if...

Protecting Breastfeeding When Baby Can’t Nurse

ADVICE FROM THE EXPERT! • Breast stimulation normally begins soon after birth. Babies may be sleepy the first day. From then on, newborns breastfeed 8-12 times a day. Breast stimulation on Day 2 is important to prevent delays in your milk coming in. If complications cause delays, protect your breastfeeding options by following 3 Rules : • Feed the baby (hand-expressed or pumped colostrum or donor milk) • Protect the Milk Supply (hand express and pump every 3 hours) • Protect breast focus (skin-to-skin holding, use breast as pacifier) • Colostrum (the first milk) protects the baby from infection and prevents excess weight loss. Hand express and spoon feed it to help wake a sleepy baby so you can practice breastfeeding. • Rent a hospital grade electric breast pump if there will be a delay in the baby being able to breastfeed. Double pump for 12-15 minutes at least 8 times during every 24 hours. Hand expressing increases milk supply in combination with pumping and skin-to-skin...

National Breastfeeding Month!

Today kicks off National Breastfeeding Month and here at the Milk Bank we could not be more excited! This month is going to be chock full of fun and educational events that will bring more awareness to the importance of breastfeeding and non-profit milk banking. We will be bringing you valuable information all month and hope you will join us at our fabulous events in Austin! This is our month, let’s CELEBRATE!

Become a Milk Bank Ambassador!

I’m Emily Hoppe the newest member of the Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin’s team.   As Outreach Coordinator, I’m excited to share the Milk Bank’s mission with the community, and raise awareness of the critical need for milk donors .   I can’t wait to hear your stories and work with donors, both current and former, to spread the word about the Mothers’ Milk Bank.   It has been amazing to see the excitement and energy that milk bank supporters have for the mission.   Last year 480 incredible mothers donated their extra milk to MMBA, and together they helped save the lives of premature and ill infants in 80 hospitals across 15 states!   I’m thrilled to announce the Milk Donor Alumnae program is up on its feet again and ready to find new Milk Bank Ambassadors and reconnect with past members.   Donors and retired donors make the most amazing spokespeople for the Mothers’ Milk Bank and are an important link to the community of potential new donors who can con...